Trade Up CD

  • One-time rate increase

    If a higher rate comes along during the term of your CD, you can trade up for it.1

  • Flexibility

    Choose between a 30-month and 60-month term.
  • FDIC-insured

    All U.S. Bank CDs are FDIC-insured to the maximum permitted by law.

Terms and annual percentage yield (APY)

You can deposit between $1000 and $250,000.2 Annual percentage yield (APY) and interest rates effective mm/dd/yy for County, State (Change)

in months
CD amount APY4

in months

How much can you earn?

Simply choose your CD, your opening deposit and your term length. We’ll do the calculating. Annual percentage yield (APY) and interest rates effective mm/dd/yy for County, State (Change)

Ready to get started?